WLW# 27

May 04, 2022

📘 1. Book I’m Currently Reading – Shorter by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang

My reading has gone WAY down this past month, as I’ve been focused on teaching Cohort I of 🏖️How To Work Less.

But now that things are winding down until Cohort II, I picked up another great book…

Shorter makes the case that less work is more productive.

It highlights the NUMEROUS cases of companies that were able to:

⏰ Shorten total working hours,

💰 Keep salaries the same,

& maintain the same

🧠 Productivity, 💸 Profitability, and 🤝 Customer service.

For me, that’s what living a Work Less Life is all about.

Definitely worth a read.

💼 2. The Case For Being A Terrible CEO – Article by Andrew Wilkinson

This article the blueprint to designing a business that doesn’t include you in it.

If you’re trying to work less, you need to read it. Then bookmark it.

This was recommended by Vanessa Liu, who got the recommendation from Neil Patel.

📝 3. Why Your To Do List Never Ends – Article From Joe Pinsker In The Atlantic

Ever heard of “shadow work”?

It’s why your To-Do List never ends.

It’s all of the EXTRA work that technology creates for us.

(Isn’t technology supposed to make us more productive?!)

Examples of “shadow work” include:

Purging your email inbox, managing your online passwords, booking your own travel, researching health conditions online, scanning your own groceries, navigating online customer-service portals, answering customer surveys, checking your own bag at an airport kiosk, and so on…

Click here to learn what you can do about it.

​🖥 4. The Difference Between Good and Great Landing Pages – Twitter Thread By @heyblake

🛠️ 5. Safari Tool To Figure Out “What Font Is That?” – WhatFont

How often do you find yourself staring at a website, wondering…

“What font is that?”

That’s where WhatFont comes in…

No need to dig through source codes anymore.

Activate WhatFont (it’s free) and you can hover on any text to see what font is being used.

I use it almost every day.

If you use Chrome, they have a version for you too.

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