WLW #102
Ep. 14 – 8 Secrets Big Content Creators Don’t Want You To Know
In this episode, I cover:
- Why many huge creators make very little money from content creation
- The main difference between someone with 2k and 200k followers (it’s not the content)
- What your favorite creator did when they started to give them an unfair advantage
- Why creators I’m talking to are obsessed with owning their audience
🏖️ 1. How A 7-Figure Entrepreneur Works 3 Days A Week – Videos By Mariah Coz
Veteran course consultant & creator Mariah Coz just shared an awesome video breakdown detailing EXACTLY how she works 3-4 days a week running her business.
What I found most interesting:
There’s not too much to it.
Like we teach in 🏖️ How To Work Less, when you strip a business down to only the absolutely essential, most profitable, and needle-moving pieces, there’s not much left to do.
In the videos, she details:
- Why she aims to work 3 days a week
- Why Mariah doesn’t use any productivity apps at all, just Google Docs
- How she builds out months > weeks > days on the calendar
- Whether newer business owners can have 3-4 day workweeks and still be successful (yes!)
- And she shows 3 months of her real schedule day-to-day
You can check out both videos by joining Mariah’s “Creator Party” community for free here (no catches, but you need to enter your email and make a free account.)
If you don’t want to sign up, no worries!
There is an audio-only podcast version you can grab here.
⚖️ 2. The 3 Ways To Balance Money & Meaning – Article By Casey Rosengren
How much is a year of your life worth?
It’s a question worth asking.
This awesome article by Casey Rosengren breaks it down.
It starts by asking this BIG question:
When is enough, enough?
Here’s an example:
Lionel Messi has earned over $1 billion playing soccer/football.
And yet he just signed a deal with the Hard Rock Cafe to promote this chicken sandwich, lol.
At a certain point, does working and making more, DO anything?
Would Messi rather spend his time doing chicken sandwhich photo shoots, or spending time with his kids?
It’s up to him.
But it’s worth asking.
The rest of the article goes on to describe the 3 tactical ways to get there:
- ⏱️ The Deferred Life Plan
- ✌️ Being Bivocational
- 🎁 Choosing To Integrate
Read on to learn more, it’s worth it.
✍️ 3. A Twitter Thread So Good They Should Charge For Admission – Course Sales Page Breakdown By Kieran Drew

Don’t get this confused.
While on the surface, it is a very valuable breakdown of a six-figure course sales page, under the surface it is a distillation of the concepts one of the most sought after ($360 on Amazon!) copywriting books around: “Breakthrough Advertising.”
In 10 short videos, Kieran breaks down the concepts, and how he used them in his sales page.
If you sell ANYTHING, you’ll learn something from this.
📱 4. Instagram Stories Masterclass – Articles from Steve Mellor (Article 1 and Article 2)
Steve Mellor is an IG pro.
He was there when I started my account in 2021, and has been guiding people to the 6-digit-follower promised land ever since.
Recently I’ve been thinking about how to use my IG stories as part of my overall strategy for my business.
Less than 2% of my audience watches my stories.
Seems like not a great ROI on my time.
But what people neglect, is the people watching them are the MOST engaged (and most likely to buy).
But I needed a tune-up.
Steve came to the rescue with two awesome articles.
1️⃣ Article 1: 5 Instagram Story Hacks That Will 5X Your Story Views
In addition to being a great primer on the nuances of the stories algorithm, Steve gives 11 Hacks you can implement right away.
2️⃣ Article 2: 3 Stories Templates That Sell On Autopilot
3 plug and play story templates that convert to sales, right away.
The Hand Raiser, The Freebie To Auto-DM, and Your Offer + Results / Proof
These are gold.
🤑 5. What To Say When The Client Asks For Your Hours – Tweet by Stephen Olmon
I spent the last 4 days in Nashville, TN, enjoying 3 nights of my favorite band, Phish. If you’re interested, check out this show on Spotify. You’ll either get it, or you won’t.
I always end up having to make really gross tea in my hotel rooms with their dirty kettles/coffee makers.
Not anymore.
My wife picked up this AWESOME gadget.
It’s a portable kettle that allows you to brew on the go, including dialing in your temperature.
It also is only stainless steel on the inside (no plastic comes in contact with the water).
Pairs perfectly with the new batch of tea I got from my friends at Living Tea. (Their tea is truly exceptional, highly recommend).
If you’re a coffee fan, you could also combine it with an Aeropress for the full experience.
No more nasty hotel room tea brewing for me!