WLW #110
Ep. 19 – Nowhere Left To Run – Business Update
In this episode, I cover:
- How I set a date to shut down my design agency, and what it took to do it.
- How I launched a new brand new product and made $200k in 30 days.
- Why people get totally wrong about charging high prices.
- How to provide the most value to your clients, with the least amount of work.
💰 1. When It’s Time To Leave Money On The Table – YouTube Video From Ali Abdaal
Beautiful YouTube video from author and entrepreneur Ali Abdaal.
For the good stuff, skip to Business Update (starts at 17:24).
Ali explains his new decision to start running his business part-time, knowing it will ultimately leave millions on the table.
We always have this choice:
- Do we do the thing that will make us more money?
- Do we do the thing that will help us enjoy life more?
Ali thinks it’s okay to leave money on the table.
It’s very tempting to always maximize our business and life for the most money possible, but that’s not really the goal, is it?
Money is just a tool to help us enjoy life.
But it’s really hard to leave money on the table.
Instead, we’re more than happy to leave:
- Peace of mind on the table.
- Family time on the table.
- Mental health on the table.
- Relaxation on the table.
Definitely a video worth watching.
🗺️ 2. Roadmap To A $5m Creator Business – Twitter Thread by Justin Welsh

Thanks to my pal Colby for the recommendation.
If you want to know what to expect before diving into building an audience online, I’d start here.
📚 3.My 5 Favorite Books Of 2023
I read some awesome books this year.
Here are my top 5.
If you want my thoughts, just check out the link after each book.
- 10X Is Easier Than 2X – Dr. Ben Hardy & Dan Sullivan (Review)
- Buy Back Your Time – Dan Martell (Review)
- The Creative Act: A Way Of Being – Rick Rubin (Review)
- No Boundary – Ken Wilbur (Review)
- Implementing Value Pricing – Ron Baker (Review)
👴 4. A Lesson From Charlie Munger – From The Curiosity Chronicle
Loved this breakdown of some of Charlie Munger’s best lessons from Sahil Bloom’s Curiosity Chronicle.
Full text reposted below:
🏹 Avoid the Second Arrow
In 1953, a 29-year-old Charlie Munger faced a series of crushing blows, losing his 9-year-old son to leukemia, his wife to a divorce, and his money to the medical bills.
Very few people could have recovered from that series of events.
But recall the Parable of the Two Arrows:
The Buddha once asked his student, “If a person is struck by an arrow, is it painful?” The student nodded, yes.
The Buddha then asked, “If a person is struck by a second arrow, is that even more painful?” The student again nodded, yes.
The Buddha then explained, “In life, we cannot always control the first arrow. However, the second arrow is our reaction to the first. The second arrow is optional.”
Charlie Munger was struck by the first arrow (harder than most of us can imagine), but he stared into the darkness and realized that the second arrow was optional.
When we encounter the inevitable challenges of life, we can all do the same.
🏖️ 5. How To Work Less Cohort 6 Starts In 4 Weeks!
Friendly reminder that we are kicking off Cohort 5 of my live cohort-based course 🏖️ How To Work Lesson January 8th…
But if you’re ready, you can ENROLL today.
We make limited spots available for early enrollment, with good reason.
Students who enroll early get some serious perks:
- 💰 $1,000 OFF enrollment!
- 📚 INSTANT ACCESS to our Work Less Library with over 20 hours of course content, trainings, Q&As, and more!
- 👥 INSTANT ACCESS to our monthly guest lectures library.
If you’re thinking about joining us for Cohort 6, now is a great time to secure your spot!
Just click here and enter your email to learn more!
You’re perfect for How To Work Less if…
💼 You’re self-employed (solopreneur, freelancer, service provider, etc.)
⏰ You’re maxed out on time (no time left in the day).
💸 You’re maxed out on money (you’ve hit a ceiling with income).
In just 4 weeks, you’ll learn how to:
🤑 Scale your business without working more hours.
🛠️ Create systems that run your business for you.
😍 Do the things you love and delegate the things you don’t.
👥 Over 300 incredible students have been through our program.
Here’s what they said:
“What I’ve been putting off in my business for years, Rich helped me accomplish it in just 4 weeks. This course really lit a fire in my soul.”
“This course has overdelivered value 10x of it’s price (you could easily charge 10k for the value you get)”
“I saw near instant results in my business after implementing Rich’s techniques.”
“I would have never thought you could pack so much value into one course. It has definitely changed my life and how I will run my business.”
“I would have paid 5x for this course if I knew what was waiting for me on the other side.”
Interested? Click here and enter your email to learn more!