WLW #125

July 10, 2024

7️⃣ 1. How I Made $454k In 7 Months – Podcast & YouTube Video

7 months in kollege

For the last 7 months, I’ve been part of a $30k mentorship program/community for 7-8 figure entrepreneurs (that’s right, I have mentors as well!).

It’s called Partners and it’s run by my good friend Blake LaGrange.

I wanted to share a 1:15 video that I made for that community, which documents the last 7 months in my business.

It covers:

  • What I’ve been up to for the last 7 months
  • What I learned from joining a $30k mentorship program
  • What happened during my 5 hour marathon onboarding session
  • The 4 things I NEEDED to hear on my onboarding call
  • Why I shut down my agency doing $500k/year
  • How I picked up a new fuel and started sharing openly about who I am
  • How I launched a Minimum Viable Offer in under 30 days that made me a lot of money (and helped me discover my True Value)
  • …and SO MUCH MORE 😂

P.S. If you want to learn more about Blake’s business: Go here.

📕 2. Book I’m Reading This Week – Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy

blood meridian cover

I’ve been branching out into some new genres recently.

This week, I’ve got a novel that is widely recognized as McCarthy’s magnum opus and one of the greatest American novels of all time.

Thanks to Tim Ferriss for this recommendation.

Here’s what Tim said about the book:

“It is easily one of the most gorgeous and brutal books I’ve ever read. The prose is poetry, the characters are incredible, and none of it is for the faint of heart. Both print and audio versions are excellent. From the description: “An epic novel of the violence and depravity that attended America’s westward expansion, brilliantly subverting the conventions of the Western novel and the mythology of the Wild West.”

🤑 3. The First Sale It To Yourself – Instagram Reel By Me!

rich's instagram reels

I’m back on Instagram!

Just broke the seal with a brand new reel on IG this week.

Feels good to be back.

And it’s about a topic that is near and dear to my heart:

Believing in yourself.

(So you can make a lot of money).

Here’s what the reel says:

“The first sale you must ever make is to yourself.

If you don’t believe you’re worth what you charge,

I guarantee your clients won’t believe it either.”

When I advise entrepreneurs struggling to 10X their prices, I always start here.

Do you believe DEEP DOWN that you are worth the price you charge?

Often, their first answer is, “Yes.”

But I don’t believe them…

Because I didn’t feel it.

You can have all the evidence in the world to justify high prices, but if you don’t believe it, it won’t work.

It is an issue of conviction and self-esteem.

Clients are smarter than we give them credit for.

They can sense when something isn’t right.

You might say all the right words, but if the conviction isn’t there, clients will feel it.

Whether what you’re selling is $100 or $100,000, the first sale must always be to ourselves.

📚 4. Marketing Online aka Making Kid’s Books For Adults – Video from Emmett Shine

This was shared with me by my client Alex Leiphart.

We were discussing the entrepreneur’s urge to make things more complicated than they need to be.

I definitely felt it when designing my new personal website.

This 10 minute presentation from Emmett Shine proposes a solution:

Make your branding and website as simple as possible.

So simple, it should read like a kid’s book:

AKA Children’s Books For Adults

🕶️ 5. Back On The Red Glasses Train – Swannies

I’ve been an on and off red/orange glasses user for the past 3-4 years.

If you’re not familiar, here’s the deal:

Blue light is not good for us at night.

It’s why staring at your phone or watching tv at night ruins your sleep.

These glasses fix that problem.

I put them on at sunset, and I’ve found a pretty dramatic increase in my sleep score on my Oura Ring and Apple Watch (specifically for deep sleep).

My wife swears by them and has worn them every night for years.

Not bad for an $80 investment.

How we can work together

When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. 🎧 My Podcast. Listen to or watch my free podcast The Rich Webster Show. It is an unfiltered look behind the scenes at my life and work.
  2. 🏖 How To Work Less. From 2012-2023, I built a design agency that made me $500k/year, working 10 hours a week. 🏖How To Work Less teaches you how to do it. Join the VIP waitlist here – Enrolling in 3 weeks! (350+ past students. 5 stars)
  3. 🧪 Work Closely With MeIf you’re an entrepreneur making 6-7 figures and want direct mentorship and consulting with me, let’s talk and see if there’s a fit for us to work together.

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