WLW #2
📒 1. Book I Devoured Last Week – Make Time by Jake Knapp & John Zeratsky
I read this book in two days. It was that good. The authors are the creators of Google Ventures’ renowned “design sprint,” who used that experience to come up with a DIY guide to building smart habits that stick.
What I loved about this book is it’s simplicity. It isn’t a crazy life overhaul system like “Getting Things Done,” it’s full of small changes that add up to big results.
My key takeaway: The Daily Highlight – which is a single activity you prioritize and protect in your calendar, every day. If you can do this consistently, you’ll be able to make time for whatever matters most to you.
🐦 2. This Screenshot Of A Tweet I Took In August 2020 – From a Twitter thread by @george_mack

I saved this screenshot back in August 2020. Still come back to it. Calendar-Priority Alignment is so simple, but so rarely done. Does your calendar and your priorities match?
🥛 3. Plant Milk I’m Avoiding – Oatly is the new Coke.
Oatly – it’s everywhere. It’s cool. It’s got to be good for you, right? Turns out, Oatly is basically canola oil sugar water. Or as @keccers on Twitter put it: “I’m still in awe that Oatly created super sugar grain juice, cut it with canola oil, and then successfully used (amazing) marketing to convince everyone that no, this is good.”
📰 4. Guide I Just Revisited – Create the most productive iPhone possible.
This is not for the feint of heart. But if you really want to dig in and create the most productive iPhone possible, look no further. This guide starts with simple tips for Level 1 Casual users and then gets deep with tips for Level 3 Productivity Nerds like myself. Don’t worry there’s an Android version too.
🤖 5. JPEG Of A Robot I Spent $384 On – Continuum’s Kn0wbots.

Ok, this sounds insane. But hear me out. Education startup Continuum is raising money to fund their operations by selling an NFT called Kn0wbots. NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are all the rage these days. Personally, I don’t invest in crypto or NFTs (until this). But what I liked about this project is the company behind it.
Continuum is an online learning platform that is “the best way to learn the creative business.” Their mission is to help freelance creatives anywhere learn the skills, tools, and best practices they need to have a thriving, sustainable career as an independent.
So yeah I spent $384, which includes the NFT price of .05 ETH ($239 USD) + the transaction fees associated with the purchase ($145). In addition to my picture of a robot (which is nice, but not $384 nice lol), I got:
- Free membership for the Continuum learning app through the end of 2022.
- The option to propose and vote on changes to the Continuum network and platform.
- Recognition as a founding member of Continuum forever (non-transferrable).
- Access to NFT-holder-specific areas of our community.
Not saying you should do this. But I thought it was worth sharing. You can learn more about Continuum here. If you want a robot, click here.