WLW #38
🎬 1. IG Live with Chris Do on Thursday – Join Us July 21 @ 9am PST / 12pm EST
Going to be on IG live on Thursday with my business coach and mentor Chris Do.
We’ll be talking about my viral post (43,000 likes and counting) about some of the things I DON’T DO in my business:
- I don’t write proposals.
- I don’t post my work on social media.
- I don’t submit my work for awards.
If you want to hear more, tune into tomorrow!
💫 2. I Took Out An Insurance Policy On My Instagram Account – Notch Insurance
I’ve heard countless horror stories of creators getting their accounts hacked.
The worst part?
Many of them never get the account back and have to start from scratch.
As my Instagram account has grown to over 80,000 followers, that is a real concern.
Enter Notch.
I joined the waitlist for Notch last year, and they finally opened up policies for my state.
I now have a $40,000 insurance policy for my IG account.
If I’m ever hacked, Notch’s crisis team takes over to get the account back online as fast as possible (and I get paid while it’s offline).
Right now Notch only offers Instagram account insurance, but is expanding to YouTube, TikTok, and Twitter soon.
I believe insurance for digital assets will become just as common as home or car insurance within the next 5-10 years.
(BTW – Not an ad. I really signed up for Notch this week.)
😵💫 3. Book I’m Started This Week – Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Let me start this by saying … this book is out there.
Basically the idea is you can use meditation to heal yourself, rewire your emotions, and profoundly change your life.
One GoodReads review put it best: “You will either love or hate this book, depending on your existing belief system.”
Would I recommend it? Not sure.
But it’s what I’m reading right now.
💰 4. How To Make $2.7M/Year With 0 Employees – Interview With Pieter Levels
I featured Pieter Levels incredible “Don’t Contact Me” page in Work Less Wednesday #24.
But I’ve been a fan of his for years.
This interview is the perfect introduction into his philosophy and business.

Or if you don’t have 80 minutes, just read this great Twitter summary:
👹 5. 2022 Emoji Preview – Preview by Emojipedia
Coming to your phone in 2022, here’s the preview of the next batch of Emoji (15.0).
What’s your favorite?
I’m feelin’ the goose.