WLW #41

August 10, 2022

πŸ“˜ 1. Book I’m Reading This Week – The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

I asked you all about this book on my IG stories.

The response: 53 people said it was great. 1 person said it was just OK.

Spoiler Alert: It is great.

It turns out when it comes to money, it’s not about how smart you are, it’s about how you behave.

​The Psychology of Money breaks down the psychology of why we are all so weird about money.

Three insights I flagged from pages 1-80:

  1. πŸ’Έ Spend less time trying to copy what super rich people do. Focus less on individuals, and more on broader patterns.
  2. πŸ₯° Have more compassion. Someone else’s failure is usually attributed to bad decisions, while our own failures are usually chalked up to bad luck.
  3. 🐢 Stop playing fetch with your happiness. Money goalposts will always keep moving. Once you hit one goal, you look toward the next goal. And the cycle never ends.

πŸ’¬ 2. Why You Should Repeat Yourself More Online

I was having a conversation with a coaching client this week about reposting old content.

They were hesitant and their reasoning was something along the lines of…

  1. The audience has already seen it.
  2. The audience likes new stuff better.
  3. The poster is sick of talking about their old content.

I strongly disagree.

If you are not reposting content online, you should. Why?

  1. Social media sites only show your post to a FRACTION of your followers. For example: One of my average posts is only shown to 1/3 of my followers. Don’t you think the other 2/3rds want to see it?
  2. Reposting content is the most productive thing you can do. You don’t have to write anything new. The content works. Just repost it.
  3. You will get tired of what you’re saying way before your audience does.

​This tweet perfectly makes my case:

“A little-known marketing secret: no one cares if you repeat yourself”

The exact same post, posted 4 times over 14 months.

The results?

1st time: 1,600 likes
​2nd time: 15,100 likes
​3rd time: 5,400 likes
​4th time: 8,700 likes

If you spend your valuable time writing content, please share it more than once.

πŸ“­ 3. Imagine Not Checking Email Anymore –Β Naval’s Email Autoresponder

You all know I fantasize about never checking email again.

Here’s some autoresponder inspo from Naval Ravikant:

Subject: Not checking email

I’m not checking email anymore.

As assistant will scan this email once a week and handle any administrative matters.

If this is importanturgentand cannot be handled by anyone else, please text message me.


πŸ€‘ 4. How To Get Your First 5 Figure Client –Β Two Part Webinar By Chris Do

The #1 question I get asked in my DMs (BY FAR) is…

“How do I get clients?”

​Click the link and get your answer.​

My business coach Chris Do hosted two free webinars on how to get your first 5 figure client.

They were great. If you’re a beginner, start here.

Or just follow his 70 point guide on Twitter…

😴 5. Rest Isn’t The Opposite Of Work –Β Blog By Marissa Goldberg

Did you know there are actually 7 types of rest?

Here’s what they are, and how to integrate them into your workday:

1. Physical Rest – Take a midday nap, switch workspaces

2. Mental Rest – Take a midday shower, add in a cleaning block

3. Sensory Rest – Work without a screen, go on a walking meeting

4. Creative Rest – Get out the the house, create an inspiration folder

5. Emotional Rest – Get lunch with a friend, see a therapist

6. Social Rest – Turn meetings into emails, schedule daily “me time”

7. Spiritual Rest – Join a group/club, volunteer in community

​Click here to read the full article. I really enjoyed it.​

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