WLW #68
This week’s issue of Work Less Wednesday is sponsored by:
🧠 Music Made For Your Brain 🧠
I listen to EVERY DAY during my deep work session. Their science-driven and research-backed functional music is designed from the ground up to help you you focus, relax, meditate and sleep. I can’t recommend it enough.
🗓️ 1. Do You Have Calendar-Priority Alignment? – Tweet From George Mack
This week, someone reminded me of a Tweet I shared ALL the way back in Issue #2 of Work Less Wednesday.
It was on the topic of “Calendar-Priority Alignment.”
Something that matters a ton, but not many think about.

Figuring out if you have Calendar-Priority Alignment is simple.
Step 1: Make a list of the things that are important (your priorities).
Step 2: Open up your calendar.
Does what you say is important, match how you spend your time?
For 99% of us, it doesn’t.
We might say launching a new product is our top priority, but then we spend all our time on social media.
We might say hiring someone to free up our time is our top priority, but then we never schedule any interviews.
We might say our family is our top priority, but then we spend 80 hours a week at the office.
Here’s the thing:
The calendar doesn’t lie.
If you say something matters to you, and it’s not on your calendar, this should be a wake up call.
So simple. So obvious. Rarely ever done.
🏖️ 2. How To Work Less Cohort 3 Recap – Join The Cohort 4 VIP Waitlist
Last week we wrapped up another incredible Cohort of 🏖️How To Work Less, and it was our best yet!
115 new & returning solopreneurs joined us for the four-week experience.
They learned how to:
🤑 Scale their business without working more hours.
🛠️ Create systems that run their business for them.
⏳Optimize their time to work less and get more done.
Some fresh testimonials are in, and let’s just say, they speak for themselves:
“HTWL helped me double my profits within 14 days. Now I’m making 6-figures working less than 20 hours/week.”
“What I’ve been putting off in my business foryears, Rich helped me accomplish in just 4 weeks.”
“If this course cost 10x more, I’d still have bought it!”
“I’ve already recommended it to probably a dozen people.”
“The 4 weeks are like an upload of 5-10 years of experience. No way I could’ve figured all that out by myself in that short amount of time.”
“I’ve seen a lot of courses out there (as those are the people I work with)- this course is a 10/10 on every level.”
“I’ve already made back what I paid for the course and I will continue to make back money from all the things I’ve learned. It’s a real investment.”
“I would have paid 5x for this course if I knew what was waiting for me on the other side.”
Cohort 4 kicks off on May 1st, so make sure to Join the VIP Waitlist for up to 30% off enrollment!
📰 3. 38 Lessons That Sold $1.5 BILLION In Ads – David Ogilvy’s Advertising Bible
David Ogilvy is one of the original masters of advertising.
Every time you watch an ad on TV or in a newspaper, you can see his influence.
Twitter user Chris Hladczuik dug up an old newspaper ad that Ogilvy ran in 1972.
This 1,900 word piece gave away all the timeless secrets he learned from the industry.
Here are some of my favorites from the ad:
- The most important decision: How your product is positioned.
- Promise a large promise to the customer. Most don’t promise anything.
- Don’t be a bore. Nobody was ever bored into buying a product.
- Be suspicious of awards. There is no correlation whatsoever between awards and sales.
- Boil down your strategy to one simple promise. By attempting too many things, you achieve nothing.
- Headline. On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. It follows that, if you don’t sell the product in your headline, you have wasted 80% of your money.
- Yes, people read long copy. Readership falls off rapidly up to 50 words, but drops very little between 50 and 500 words. “The more you tell, the more sell.”
- Repeat your winners. Sales can actually increase with repetition. Don’t discard things that work too soon.
You can read the full piece as a newspaper article here or as text here.
🤓 4. I Learned A New Phase This Week – Time Affluence
I’m always a fan of a good“No” email template.
And this one might be one of my new favorites.
Podcaster and author Paul Millerd reached out to a guest for an interview, and got this in response:
“I work with Laurie and help her manage interview requests. Although she would like to say yes to every one, she recieved hundreds of emails a day and must politely decline to protect her time affluence. Thank you so much for understanding.”
Time affluence.
That is great.
It turns out there isa whole Wikipedia article on Time Affluence.
Time affluence is really important.
People with more time affluence are:
- More likely to enjoy the present moment
- Experience feelings of autonomy and competence
- Engage in more intimate relationships
- Pursue activities related to personal growth, connections with others, and physical fitness.
It’s no surprise that I teach a whole course on how you can gain more time affluence… 😜
📕 5. I’m Thinking About Writing A Book
And if you ever want to read it, I need your help.
I’ve been approached by some folks in the industry about putting together a pitch for a book.
I’m now doing my due diligence and learning everything I can about the wild world of writing and selling books.
As you can see from the tweet below, the world of publishing can be a rather depressing place.
If you have any personal experience with either traditional or self-publishing (or know someone who does), please reply to this email and let me know!